Letter: Randy Feenstra’s qualities can beat Steve King

Iowa State Student Charles Klapatauskas

As impeachment proceedings carry on in congress, I can’t help but be disappointed by the absence of a representative from Iowa’s 4th district.

This disappoints me not only in the sense that thousands of students, middle-class workers and Iowans don’t have a representative to voice our concerns during these important hearings but also in the sense of a much larger picture.

Iowans in the 4th district have a representative that hardly represents them at all, as congressman Representative King had all his committee assignments revoked due to his embarrassing behavior.

Continue reading here: https://www.iowastatedaily.com/opinion/opinion-letter-to-the-editor-randy-feenstra-congressman-steve-king-iowa-representatives/article_2648acd8-19f2-11ea-a57e-5b71e8affdfa.html?fbclid=IwAR00CNy1EzeNjppRzvJD4qxv7sjPs-BjLhELt0Q9IzFK9aS4SXbY0eTnAZU


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